Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Our Vedas state that – “Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devata, Yatraitaastu Na Pujyante Sarvaastatrafalaah Kriyaah”. This means – “Where Women Are Honoured, There Divinity Blossoms; And Where They Are Dishonoured, All Action Remains Unfruitful”
Our āshrams strive to change the lives of women of our society by providing them with access to formal education, training in traditional self-dependence skills such as handicraft production, as well as arranging and monitoring women’s self-help groups, helping them to save money, have access to banks, loans and create small enterprises of their own. We teach women about their human rights and provide refuge, financial help, legal aid and support in cases of domestic violence or any other related issues.
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